Zyrish is an amazing human being and down-to-earth person. She's shy around new people and tend to not talk until someone initiates a conversation first but will eventually improve if they've become close friends. She's also very funny and likes to make jokes. Everyone should appreciate Zyrish more.
Sentence 1: Hey do you know Zyrish? She's very cool and pretty.
Sentence 2: I'd love to be friends with Zyrish.
by vhades November 9, 2021
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If Zyrish is a word, you should consider its meaning as "the feeling of solace amidst a summer solstice". Zyrish is a type of person who often underestimate themselves, but they're more than what they think they are. They can also be too hard on themselves and they're quite an observant. If you have a Zyrish in your life, you're most likely to be one of the luckiest people in the world :)

Also, they have a good sense of humor. They can sometimes be secretive or mysterious, but that's what makes them... them. They have a sweet and caring nature, and honestly if they were a drink they would be a latte.
Zyrish understands research more than I do, that's why I'm fond of her!
by augean March 23, 2022
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