The phenomenon that occurs when one person tries to pass by you in a hallway or some other narrow passage and you both switch sides to get out of each other's way, therefore defeating the point of changing sides, causing you to switch sides again, however, the other person also got the same idea and tried to switch sides again, causing you to both be caught in the same predicament once again.

Coined by Stephan Pastis in Pearls Before Swine
"I was late for my meeting because I got caught up in a shlumperdink."
by Goatman Gamer March 15, 2023
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(noun) The phenomenon of when you see someone walking towards you, so you walk to the right to avoid them, but they also walk to the right, so you step to the left, and they do the same, and so on.
Originally used by cartoonist Stephan Pastis
"I was in a shlumperdink for like three hours yesterday"
by Frogfisherman07 October 13, 2023
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