To imterrupt a healthy conversation with a sexually explicit comment.
It is taboo to manterrupt a child, or anyone on that matter, in a childcare center.
by vincentupsdellred December 16, 2016
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A phrase used by feminists to try to turn the unpleasant but universal behavior of interrupting into a gendered issue.
James: Sarah, you have been talking for a half hour straight. Let s...
Sarah: Oh my god, don't you dare try manterrupting me!
by Men's Rights Edinburgh September 29, 2016
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A neologism used by some feminists to refer to men interrupting women, often in meetings.

Usage asserts that men are biologically hardwired to interrupt women for reasons of sexism.
"I was talking about how the patriarchy pays me less for equal work when my misogynist coworker stated manterrupting me and mansplaining his anti-feminist bullshit!"
by TronaldDumpf September 28, 2016
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When a woman is interrupted by a man and naturally realizes the only possible reason for this could be gender discrimination.
"John keeps manterrupting me! It can only be because I'm a woman."
by SnarkAttack!!! September 29, 2016
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One of many sexist "man-" words feminists use to discredit anything a male says or does.
Feminist: Women still only make 73% percent of what-
Man: Let me stop you right there, I'm leaving
by SpanktheMonky September 28, 2016
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Another clumsy and childish portmanteau word invented by feminists who are too lazy to actually change society for the better in any meaningful way.
Feminist: Excuse me, but I don't like people manterrupting me.
Human: I 'm sorry, but I thought you were just doing an impression of an electrocuted cat.
by Max Biggins September 28, 2016
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Occurs when a man interrupts a woman to 'educate' her on a topic because he believes she isn't capable of understanding it, or knowing about it previously.
Janet- I'm literally majoring in Engineering, and this guy was manterrupting me to try and tell me what I already knew about it.
by witchwatch December 4, 2016
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