bek sloy is a khmer slang which was made up on social media. Use this word for people who call themselves gang of an area in strange way
A: juii hg mer pouk ng der vai ke tpease jg?
B: terk dey vea.
A: mex ban dg?
B: pouk bek sloy ter, sloy gangs sloy squads
by Toroki October 30, 2020
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Bek sloy is a word in Khmer meaning a gang of a some strange area. It can be also use as a slur word which also mean Degenerate.
A: Kdm ah Bek sloy
B: Kdm ah pkhach, anh lg bot Bek sloy sos ta anh Bek sloy
by NeneSimp June 27, 2022
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