Male. Average height, but a bit on the taller side. He has an amazing jawline. He's muscular and loves to work out all the time. Makes girls fall in love with his sense of humor and/or his touch (both sexual and gentle)! Most likely a brunette or has black hair. Mexican or Puertorican most likely. Not extremely skinny, that's gross lol, very attractive healthy size. Best hugger and kisser in the world! He may not always talk to you about serious things but he will love you like no other! he is the center of your world. All you wanna ever do is make him feel like he's the best person in the world because he is! Some people call him Zach but he doesn't really like it because he likes his unique name and so will you! Doesn't always wanna have sex, he loves to cuddle, he buys you things and makes sure you're okay at all times. Always tries to make up after fights even if you don't want to. But when he does want to have sex, it's the best dick you could ever get!!!!!!! If you ever get the chance to love a Zach, keep it!
Friend 1: "This guy just bought me a bunch of food and gave me his number and he called me darlin'!.."

Friend 2: "Must be a Zacchaeus, text him!!!"
by iMake20SecsFeelLike20Mins ;) November 30, 2017
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Someone who swears/curses to much
You zacchaeus stop calling me those mean words
by ThebestEmzy July 24, 2021
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