Taity is a slang word for "tait" which pretty much means cheerful, gay etc.
But people mostly use it now to say I look wierd there
Molly : "look at this really nice picture of us"
Alex : "no delete that I look like a proper taity"
by colourful bird Oioi September 24, 2016
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Taitie is slang for potatoe. Although often refered to when talking about food (e.g. Jacket Taitie for Jacket potatoe) it can also be used as a friendly form of telling someone they are a bit daft (e.g. dont be a taitie).

As far as I know this is slang in the North-east area of England.
"Jesus, Tara is a right taitie!"
by The Notorious Dr P May 22, 2005
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