A girl who is utterly perfect. Possesses an amazingly beautiful voice. Her face is undeniably marvelous. She can truly be defined as the epitome of perfection.
Example 1:
Guy: I wish I could get someone like a Kaeleigh but she's too good for me

Example 2:
Dude: Do you hear that beautiful singing?!

Dude 2: Yeah that's Kaeleigh!
by If0n1ySh3Kn3w May 30, 2013
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The rare species that have their name spelled the way it is.
Someone: Oh is it spelled, K-a-l-e-i-g-h?

Kaeleigh: No they're are two Es

Someone: *Dumbed out*
by Kaeleigh Draws July 26, 2019
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wow is that kaeleigh, didn't she she get first place on bars yesterday?
by Gymnastics beast September 5, 2019
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In Celtic it means 'dance', and in Greek it means 'beautiful', in any way it's a complement to a girl.

It's also a name.
Boy 1: Did you know Kaeleigh means beautiful in greek?
Girl 1: No.
Boy 1: By chance... is your name Kaeleigh?

Me: Hello, my name is Kaeleigh.
by Kaeleigh April 2, 2005
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A ridiculously goodlooking, classy woman.
"Your so classy and goodlooking, your name must be Kaeleigh"...
by kaemillzzzyyy June 22, 2011
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Kaeleighs are usually hot beasts. Known for their big dicks and loud personality! Love kaeleighs for their big dicks y'all <3333
“I didn't believe kaeleigh had a big dick until she climbed in my window and fucked my teeth from my scull
by stink stonk August 27, 2022
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One with a Big-Big Toe, Loves Celtic music, Is extremely unique and has neat writing
Person 1: OMG, Its a kaeleigh!
Person 2: Holy Crap, i know they are the best!
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