an involuntary erection that has been encouraged by a slight touch from a female
'' dude, james just got a hammett when your sister shook his hand!''
by NES Boris August 4, 2007
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Infinite love that won’t die! It’s sometimes used as a ship name, but it also means “ Infinite love that won’t die”.
Wow did you see that couple?! They’re such a Hammett!❤️
by Love master February 23, 2019
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a VERY hot guitarist who plays in the famous metal band metallica
kirk hammett is hot
by hollqndsfx November 14, 2022
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A San Franciscan guitarist, who started playing at the age of 15 on his brothers guitar. Once gaining enough skill played in a couple bands, Starting Exodus in the process. He later flew to New York to join with Metallica and has become one of the most influential and copied lead guitarist of all time. Is very well known for his "fuck off" attitude and lightning fast fingers. Also being recognized as a prominent surfer, and studier of zen. Plays his guitar 364 days of the year.
did you hear those lixx kirk hammett played? hes the fucking best!
by matt December 6, 2003
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Guitarist in metallica, his first band was a garage band Mesh, and then later joined Exodus, after words he joined Metallica. He took lessons from Joe Satriani, and is very skilled with the guitar.
by Ryan August 4, 2003
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1) One who has mastered pentatonic scales and can blow your mind with them.

2) Metallica's Lead Guitarist that has composed some pretty amazing solos to date. Things that make him happy include pentatonic scales and wah wah pedals. And don't forget his stuffed two headed sheep and his thrash metal!
Man... That Kirk Hammett is blowing my mind. I wish he would stop using those Em Pentatonic scales/
by Coolfist April 29, 2011
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A San Franciscan who started playing at the age of 15. Now the lead guitarist in metallica Hammet is pushing the limits of guitarists. But one question why no solos on St. Anger?
by Mendoza October 28, 2003
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