To gamify is to make a task into a game.
A supermarket could gamify food shopping experiences by having achievements for types of food purchased e.g fruit
by GlucaZe April 30, 2019
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Someone or something that gamifies real-life situations to encourage activism and enhance marketing by utilizing traditional game mechanics such as, achievements, points, scoreboards, and rules of play.
Person 1: "Man, this job sucks."
Person 2: "Well, if we have a gamifier, this would be a job worth having."
by GhostFalcon January 18, 2020
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To adapt a story, movie, or other piece of creative work into a video game. Much like writing a screen adaptation, gamification is an after-the-fact activity, usually with the intent of making the original work more marketable as a complete "package".
JoeBob spent last week planning how to gamify Jane Eyre.
by ztutz June 8, 2011
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Making something a client does sound interesting to sell it to consumers
We are gamifying this consumer experience to resonate with millenials.
by Fisty McBeefstick September 28, 2017
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