Dänikism is an up and coming belief system. Dänikism draws from the works of Erich von Däniken and his Ancient Astronaut theory. However, the belief also expounds upon von Däniken's works and presents them in a manner that is appealing to any audience, whether of a current faith or not. Dänikism unites all religions under the common notion that no one religion is entirely correct, but that EVERY religion has truth to it. Through the combined measures of humanity, Dänikism can be the belief to finally end worldly feuds and bolster humanity under a shared ambition of discovering our true origins, together...
Hits boof:
"Hey fam, I heard that Dänikism is pretty chill... That guy is doing some big boi stuff with it."
"Really? Damn... That's crazy."
"Yup, guy's talking about going to the Moon and stuff, too"
"...that's tuff..."
...feels content with place in Universe for once....
by Captain 747 December 29, 2022
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