A term used to describe a warrior. An intelligent person capable of weilding many weapons expertly. Azuri is a name used as a compliment not an insult contrary to what some people say. Someone called Azuri can be a samurai or ninja in fighting style. An Azuri is also a woman of beauty if the person is female, If the person is male he is a handsome man.
You are totally Azuri. (You are totally a warrior)
You are SO Azuri. (You are SO beautiful)
That guy is such an Azuri. (That guy is such a ninja)
by TomokoKatsumi June 8, 2010
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You are such an azuri. (like saying shut up moron)
by zelelele February 18, 2006
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1)The French color blue
2)twin of a trash can
3)needs a girlfriend no seriously
My favorite color is azurie
by Azurie bright January 31, 2017
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To remaster a song while still keeping its basics.

(Word comes from "Azuri" who does the exact thing)
- yo have you heard that song that Ekical posted on youtube?

- yeah, i think i've heard the Azurying of it.
by laxxshadow34 March 21, 2023
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A slut that will tell you she like you and back stab your ass and will cry when she doesn't get her way and she hold on to your boyfriend for too damn long... At first she may seem sweet and pretty but her ugly green monster comes out
Azury made out with him AGAIN?????

She hasn't told Jose yet.....SLUTTTTT
by Bjpots July 13, 2010
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The best girl you will ever meet,skinny,funny and always eating she is also likely to be black and a girl.
Azurie is also athletic and short
Azurie is skinny ass fuck
by Ugly smart skinny small November 4, 2019
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oh my god...she such an Azuri.

Did you see the way he looked at me? What an Azuri.
by settermagnet21 July 21, 2023
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