Alvar is the god of a cult named the Besterest of All and he should only be treated with respect and no mortal bieng could even think of chalanging him.
Bob: you wana join the Besterest of all? its a cult.
Steve: no it sounds stupid .

Bob: you have made a grave mistake
being defined as the a mighty Alvar is a honor you only have to be named Alvar
by bester_then_Charlie420 October 9, 2019
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Dude: You see that mans penis through his jeans!
Me: It's an Alvar
by HelenFuru April 23, 2019
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Alvar, a really cool guy. Master of everything. Everyone should obey him.
Who’s that handsome guy?
Oh thats just Alvar
by Mostlyghhu October 1, 2019
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A very cool guy who is extremly big man and can hack ur minecraft account in uno secondo
Alvar hacked my fortnite account AGAIN
by Notalvar November 6, 2019
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a quite rare creture most commonly found in sweden surrounded by Ludvigs and Augusts
Why does alvar so wired Oh has been manipulated by a Ludvig
by Itwasentme May 25, 2018
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Nice man, very good looking, gets all the girls.

Huuuge dick
Oh, that's Alvar! He has a massive ding dong
by Lilkotte May 7, 2019
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Alvar is the most perfect guy, he has an amazing smile, a lovely voice and a sexay body. He is great with women and makes an amazing boyfriend. All the girls are jealous of the person who has the honor to date him. Alvar is also a very good friend and can light up a room with his great personality and humor. He also looks nothing like a fish.
"Alvar is such a great guy"

"Who is that guy?"
-"That's Alvar! Everyone loves him"
by Ellizzz March 10, 2019
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