2 definitions by wondernone

Obamaphrenia (noun) (pron. oh-bah-mah-freh-nee-uh) (origin: AWC) 1. A psychological disorder in which an individual is consumed by an irrational belief that all things are the result of, or related to, Barack Obama. 2. A neurological condition in which speech is governed by an uncontrollable reflex to reference Barack Obama. 3. A sociological phenomenon in which a group or groups believe everything will turn Black because of Barack Obama.
1. "They originally thought 'schizophrenia,' but now say Dad has 'Obamaphrenia' because apparently it's just one voice--a gay nurse named 'Barry'".

2. "Guys, that's 'Chuck' and just a heads-up: he's got Obamaphrenia so if he asks for 'Barack' he means 'beer'."

3. "... Conservative lawmakers arguing that Obamaphrenia is not hysteria but a national threat, citing historical precedents of Elvis and Rachel Dolezal, and more recently, Joe Biden and the resurgence of Black Jesus."
by wondernone October 31, 2020
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(interjection) (pron. gaw) (origin: Internet) The verbal equivalent of "face-palm" and "frustrated" emoji.
"Gahhhhhh! WTF is wrong with the Cowboys!"
by wondernone October 31, 2020
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