26 definitions by wonderfool

if you like V2 you like the phonics
by wonderfool April 10, 2004
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A record company, it has signed bands like the stereophonics I believe
by wonderfool April 3, 2004
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cult japanese game show, voiced over by craig charles. basically, loads of funny challenges that involve people getting hurt or muddy and looking like twats. genius
A)oh shit, there's 3 episodes of takeshi's castle in a row. we'll be up til 1 am
B) we could always not watch it

A and B) nah, that aint gonna happen
by wonderfool December 1, 2003
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TLA for over-ruled unnecessary usage of lol. Derived form uuol of course. This is when, after someone says uuol, the reason for saying lol is given, and after being explained it is overruled, so both parties accept that the lol wasnt unnecessary
-I'm Irish
-thats a uuol, theres nothing funny about being Irish
-Dude, there so is, its a dumb country
-ok then, i'll give you an oruuol
by wonderfool April 7, 2004
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adjective. Something very cheap, but still of eatable, usable quality. not just used for produce of tesco, but also for services. for example, a tesco value film would have bad special effects but would still be alright
-mmm tesco value chicken soup

- yeah, it goes well with The tesco value film, THe invisible man
by wonderfool April 2, 2004
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we all know what it means, just we dont know how to pronounce it.
I prefer my way of saying www. your's takes too long
by wonderfool December 3, 2003
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shortened word for www, used only in speaking.
used only for speaking: doubleyoudoubleyoudoubleyou takes a long time to say. but hexayou it shorter. www is triple double u. i.e. hexayou. simple
"my webpage is hexayou dot hotmail dot com"
by wonderfool December 1, 2003
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