2 definitions by troxnor

Smock-time is the time at which you smock someone. Smock-time is not a predetermined time, but a time set by the "smock-er." It is yelled approximately 8 steps from the victim, giving him time to make a fair getaway.
"SMOCK-TIME!!!!!!!!!" "OH SHIT!" *running, screaming and smocking ensues*
by troxnor September 12, 2009
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1. v. The act of ejaculating
2. v. Furiously dry-humping an unexpected or unwilling individual. See smock-time

3. v. Two European men kissing each other on the cheek in greeting
1. "I smocked your sister in the face." or "When i saw your mom i smocked myself."
2. "I just got smocked." or "I smocked you so hard you cried."

3. "European guys look gay when they smock."
by troxnor September 12, 2009
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