13 definitions by thefitnessgramafwe23rware

A conspiracy theory made up by homophobic politicians to make people afraid of gay people. It claims that gay people want to turn everyone gay and destroy the west. In reality, it is made up so that these homophobic politicians will get support for trying to take away lgbt rights. Similar to the 'white genocide', 'widespread misandry' and 'femenazis', it is a made up thing made as a reactionary conspiracy theory that was made to scare people away from accepting certain groups.
"I'm not homophobic I just don't like the gay agenda" - a violent homophobe
by thefitnessgramafwe23rware March 2, 2023
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Literally a dystopia. Teachers only sign up for it if they just want students to suffer, stress, even to the point of depression. I am not joking. You have to write down every fucking question and get checked randomly. You have to get every fucking answer right to even have an acceptable homework done. whoever created this was either satan, Hitler, or the embodiment of the 🤓 emoji. Or all three. If your teacher signed you up, your teacher is an awful person. Oh and you’re not allowed help from anyone because that would damage your learning apparently but in reality all it does is get you stuck permanently. I unironically think that the person who made this should either rot in the darkest pit of hell, or should be sentenced to death for child abuse and forcing children through stress.
Person 1: I hate sparx maths
Person 2: a person with common sense, I see
by thefitnessgramafwe23rware June 30, 2022
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An atheist, similar to Roman Catholic Atheist who has rejected all religion, seems to hate Catholicism the most, and prays to Catholic God the least.
"I'm a Church of England Atheist. I'm not going to Church, but I definitely know which Church I'm not going to"
by thefitnessgramafwe23rware January 22, 2022
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The gorilla that refers to himself as an ass
In, at, or to this place or position. In, at, or to this place or position. In, at, or to this place or position, it is the destination that we shall be heading.

At long last these fine gentlemen have arrived at this place or position, and they are currently in the process of fulfilling the task of presenting a form of entertainment to whoever might be watching this screen.

Perhaps if thou art aware of the lyrics to the display of musical poetry that they are about to present, then thou art more than welcome to come together with these gentlemen and act as they shall be doing.

We highly advise that thou perform the action of having the palms of your hands meet together, that is if thou happen to be in a suitable mood to strike the palms of your hands in a rapid succession in a manner that would normally generate signs of applause. Keep a good mind that thou art intended to be doing this while we bring you along the thrills of a popular genre of music of African American origin in which words are recited rapidly and rhythmically over a prerecorded, typically electronic instrumental backing about primates such as this one.

Donkey Kong
by thefitnessgramafwe23rware March 18, 2023
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if you know any leftist south americans who have been murdered, it was probably these guys. Also, they edit wikipedia to make them sound like the good guys, and that they are to protect you.
"I dont like the CIA"
"your days are numbered, hide"
by thefitnessgramafwe23rware January 22, 2022
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For an empire that fought so many wars over spices in India, and other foods in the americas and worldwide, you'd think that the food would actually have some flavour, or maybe even be edible. You would be wrong.
"why does the room smell so bad"
"someone ate english food in here"
"ah that explains it"
by thefitnessgramafwe23rware January 18, 2022
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