10 definitions by shoggoth

The sudden stunned silence that falls on a room after a person says something stupid, unfunny or offensive. Refers to the tumbleweed featured in cowboy movies.
"...until Mrs Bush leant across to ask Condoleeza whether black men really did have bigger ones. The President broke the tumbleweed moment by declaring war on France."
by shoggoth August 10, 2003
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Infiltration of a website by retards; the process whereby a website's increasing popularity renders it useless.

Message boards and other pages relying on user interaction for content are gradually overwhelmed by flame wars, online games are deserted but for those players using bots and sites where users rate films or games become an exercise in pointlessness as teenage boys trundle through giving zero or full marks apparently at random. The original audience will become sick of this and move on. Swift and rigorous action by moderators (see mod) can help to counter cretin creep but often is more trouble than it's worth. Also twat creep, ass creep.
Popbitch is a textbook example of twat creep.
by shoggoth August 11, 2003
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Extreme intestinal disturbance associated with food-borne pathogens. Food poisoning not serious enough to require hospital treatment, but causing regular and horrific bouts of galloping diarrhea.
"Hi, this is Ben Hawley. Um, I won't be coming in today 'cause I've got the gutrot. So I'll... oh no..."
by shoggoth August 11, 2003
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Dusty aggregation of plant matter rolled along the ground by the desert wind. A cliche of Western movies, emphasising silence or stillness, e.g. as the hero rides into an apparently deserted frontier town. Often used in connection with the death of a conversation after one participant unwittingly reveals that they are a moron. See also tumbleweed moment.
"But then Katie made a singularly unfunny cancer joke..."
"Ah. Tumbleweed?"
by shoggoth August 10, 2003
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Absorption of a minority group within a larger population; distinct from integration in that it implies a loss of cultural identity and ultimately of individuality. Usually relates to the pressure on immigrants to conform to the expectations of the mass culture in their new country. More recently applied to the aggressive subjugation of races by the Borg, and hence to a person joining a large faceless group of stupid people.
"Bad news; she bought the Avril album. Her assimilation is complete."
by shoggoth August 11, 2003
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Demented, boundary-pushing form of Metal, played at speeds so extreme that the guitars sound like power tools.
"The Mariah Carey single? No, she went all drillcore, it's mad. I'm lying, it's exactly like the last one. Ass."
by shoggoth August 11, 2003
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Phrase associated with disgraced Scottish soccer player Frank McAvennie, and delivered in mock-amazement at something not remotely surprising.
by shoggoth August 10, 2003
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