14 definitions by osibisa

1. When a non-white person is physically or verbally attacked by a group of whites for any reason.

2. When a white person justifies such an act, or any other race-based discrimination that is clearly wrong.
1. Read any American newspaper before the 1960s...

2. "Well, I mean, there are more black people in jail because scientists have actually found that there is a microchip only found in dark skin that transmits messages to the brain encouraging criminal behaviour."

"Man, that's bullshit, stop pulling a Rodney King."
by osibisa November 17, 2007
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When you're drunk at the titty bar and you suddenly realize that you're in Cleveland, and the bitch in your lap is really a man!!
"Hey, I'm going to Cleveland this weekend"

"Just don't let anything with a moustache near your lap.... You don't one of them Cleveland Lapdances, no sir, you do not!"
by osibisa October 5, 2007
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Any kind of food, usually baked, with a consistency and texture resembling that of shit.

When eaten, the strong sensation of feeling as though one were chewing on shit slowly takes over the mind. It's then spit or swallow time.

Shitcakes can often contain nuts or dried fruit, which sometimes enhance the sensation of chewing on shit.
As Vlad sat chewing on Yorkshire pudding, its shitty consistency made itself apparent. The way it melted and slipped around in his mouth was exactly what he imagined chewing on shit would be like... This was a shitcake alright. However, he suddenly realized that to truly know what a shitcake was, one must know what it was like to chew shit. He glanced over at the toilet and knew what had to be done.....
by osibisa October 28, 2007
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Word used by fat, stupid, lazy males to refer to oral sex. Since these men are not accustomed to using their brains and are entirely unfamiliar with this organ, they move this function to other parts of their body. This not only kills the reliance on the brain, but allows the man to continue killing this organ with beer, fatty foods and a lazy attitude.
"Good thing all this beer, burgers and sitting around all day watching football isn't harming my brain, since brain means blowjob!"
by osibisa November 1, 2007
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Phrase used by young white Americans to laugh about how their human rights are regularly stomped on and ignored, as they piss it all away in a drunken stupor, because for now they're safe from the shit that everyone else in the world has to go through.... for now....
"Hey man, did you see that guy say 'don't tase me, bro'?? Man, that was almost as funny as when they killed Martin Luther King, killed those people in Waco and killed those college kids in Ohio! Let's drink some beer, eat some red meat and laugh at everyone who isn't fat, white, rich or American!"
by osibisa November 1, 2007
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Oh, the shitkicker? Well, the one with the big mouth, the one who always has something to prove, the one who just can't leave well enough alone.

The shitkicker goes through life, pushing everything and everyone to their absolute limit by doing annoying little things, like always giving special instructions when ordering food, asking way too many questions and trying to get the last word in every disagreement.
You know the one, everyone has had to deal with someone who would do something as useless as kick a piece of shit.

Confronted with the life experience of a child, the cocksure shitkicker goes through life kicking shit down the street, but never actually ends up getting anywhere.....
by osibisa October 28, 2007
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Some gay sounding, Ned Flanders type shit that chumps who are too pussy to say 'pissed off' say instead.
Wally: Well golly gee, Johnny, I was just so cheesed off!

Johnny: Man, shut the fuck up and just say 'pissed off'...
by osibisa October 5, 2007
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