7 definitions by mybrassisbiggerthanyourss

A splurge of airborne vomit that has not reached the ground.
Dude! I just saw a vomit comet come right off of the Wild Thing!
by mybrassisbiggerthanyourss November 16, 2010
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Shits that feels like a piss because of how runny they are.
I have diarrhea, so I've been taking pisshits all day.
by mybrassisbiggerthanyourss January 26, 2016
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Specks of Freckles. A sparingly amount of freckles.
Someone with freckles is usually described as "covered" with freckles. That is kinda harsh, so if someone just has a few freckles, then he or she has Specks-o-Frecks.
by mybrassisbiggerthanyourss July 31, 2011
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Noun: an inside joke that confuses someone.
Verb: to confuse someone with an inside joke.
You: "Potatoes!" *laughs*; Friend: "You just wahmed me..." or "That was a wahm... wasn't it?"
by mybrassisbiggerthanyourss August 28, 2010
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A used condom full of semen that is left inside the vagina after pulling out.
Ted didn't want his mom to find a used condom in his trash can, so he left his lover a Salmon Sac with mutual consent.
by mybrassisbiggerthanyourss January 30, 2016
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When a used condom full of semen is left inside the vagina after the guy pulls out.
Ted didn't want his mom to see a used condom in his trash, so he left his lover a Salmon Sac with mutual consent.
by mybrassisbiggerthanyourss January 30, 2016
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A command spoken by Peppy Hare in Star Fox 64.

An expression for what seems to be the solution to almost every impossible situation (in other words, a way of saying there is no solution.)
Okay, so... You're in a dark room, no lights, no escape, and 3 rabid werewolves on the loose. How do you get out of THAT?" "Do a barrel roll!
by mybrassisbiggerthanyourss January 21, 2011
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