4 definitions by miKKi da downassbitch

1. a scared or weak person
2. a female
3. person who rides in the middle of two people in a car
4. a person who does or says whatever you tell them to
5. a mean female
1. why you bein a bitch, just go fight that nigga
2. theres no guys here just a bunch of bitches
3. I'm not ridin bitch i want a window
4. don't do it if you dont want to, you aint his bitch
5. stop bein a bitch u mean all the time
by miKKi da downassbitch February 2, 2009
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1. a black person
2. a man
3. a homie
1. white people be straight hatin on niggas(black people)
2. there were no bitches, just a bunch of niggas (all male races)
3. you my nigga! (all races and genders)
by miKKi da downassbitch February 2, 2009
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