13 definitions by lovesmesumcake

boyluvr: hey!!!!!!!
timmy: lol hi
boyluvr: asl
timmy: 12/m/florida

by lovesmesumcake August 21, 2008
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A general feeling of uncleanliness, sometimes used to suggest that somebody has an STD. Usually remedied by a good douching on the part of girls or possibly an enema for guys.

From a mid-80s commercial for Massengill brand douche.
Girl: Mom, do you ever feel, you know, not-so-fresh?
Mom: Of course, that's why I douche.
by lovesmesumcake December 5, 2008
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The only high school in Beverly Hills, California. Pretty much a dumping ground for everybody in the city who's own local high schools sucks, like most high schools in the city do, yet who actually care about getting a public education. One of if not the safest and best public high schools in the Los Angeles area.

In movies and TV shows, Beverly is usually portrayed as being full of preppy, rich Beverly Hills stereotype kids. This isn't necessarily true: anybody who has money goes to a private school, which means most of the kids who live in Beverly Hills don't even go to Beverly.

Also a popular place to go for kids who get kicked out of private school, sometimes more than once.
Person 1: Hey man, what school do you go to?
Person 2: I go to Beverly.*
Person 1: Oh, that's cool. Did you get kicked out of Harvard-Westlake?
Person 2: No, but my regular district school is Uni**, so I transferred to Beverly.
Person 1: Oh man, good choice.

* "Beverly" is short for "Beverly Hills High School"
** "Uni" is short for "University High School," another Los Angeles high school.
by lovesmesumcake August 18, 2008
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The best game of all time. An educational game based off of an incredibly gory zombie shooter. Essentially a port of House of the Dead 2, except the zombies carry basic household items (plungers, spatulas, ladles) instead of axes, and all the main characters wield keyboards attached to Dreamcasts instead of guns. In order to defeat the terrifying zombies, you must quickly type relevant words like "Daffodil" and "Snapdragon." The terrible voice acting that was carried over from the original enhances the experience twofold.
Civilian: Oh no. Help me. I don't want to die.
Player: Loretta! Julia! Die-hard Roach! Sphagnum!
Frying Pan-Wielding Zombie: Uggh.
<Frying Pan-Wielding Zombie dies>
Civilian: Thank you for saving me. You can go out that way.
Player's friend: Dude, what the fuck?
Player: Don't hate, it's just Typing of the Dead!
by lovesmesumcake August 22, 2008
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A stingy or ungenerous person; one who is or is behaving niggardly. Despite popular belief, the word is actually historically considered highly offensive. Should not be confused with the word nigger, which is also highly offensive, but in a different way. In everyday speech, the two words sound nearly identical, so it's a good rule of thumb to save the word for print. It's considered pretty archaic anyway, so it's probably not a good idea to use it in any context unless you want to offend someone who has a less developed vocabulary.

See niggardly, niggardliness.
Person With a Large Vocabulary: Why won't you give me a dollar? You're such a niggard.

Person With a Small Vocabulary: WHAT'D YOU JUST CALL ME?!

Person With a Large Vocabulary: I called you a niggard. You know: stingy, not generous, generally not the kind of person you'd want to hang out with.

Person With a Small Vocabulary: Now you're just being racist!
by lovesmesumcake August 30, 2008
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1. When something sucks super badly, used in a manner very similar to bullshit.

2. Used to refer to somebody that is as bad or worse than a pile of shit (dookie). Ideally the dookster should be referred to as such when he or she is present but should never find out that he or she is in fact the dookster. Bonus points if the dookster starts making jokes about "the dookster," not realizing that he or she is the dookster his or herself. If the dookster ever finds out that he or she is the dookster, sever all ties with the dookster immediately and never talk to the dookster again.

When joking about the dookster, it's proper to mention how the dookster does typical dookster things (most often making a dookie) and t make "the dookster" gesture, which looks like two thumbs up held close together and waved up and down in opposite directions.
1. Person A: I got an F on my science test!
Person B: Aww man, that's dookster!

2. Person A: I super fucking hate Ron.
Person B: Yeah, Ron sucks ballsack.
-Ron/The Dookster enters.-
Person A: Something smells like shit.
Person B (making the dookster gesture): It's probably the dookster, makin' a dookie!
Ron/The Dookster: Haha yeah guys, that dookster smells like shit...
Person A: Yeah, right.
Person B: The dookster is such a fucking retard.
Ron/The Dookster: Yeah he is!
Person A: You know it.
by lovesmesumcake October 27, 2008
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