2 definitions by ksumarine

The burning, uncontrollable flow of ass water and acidic shit that exits your colon while burning your asshole (aka: ass piss). A mixture of this \"ass piss\" and bowl water may also backsplash onto your cheeks...this usually depends on the force of the colonic and consistency of the \"ass piss\".

The telltale sign of an impending colonic is a spur of the moment sensation that you are going to uncontrollably piss out of your ass into your pants.

You will know someone has these symptoms when you observe them making a mad dash for the bathroom, while trying to take down their pants.

WARNING: the side effects of a colonic are as follows (most severe first): Burning asshole (can last for 24 hours), wet ass cheeks (can make your boxers wet if you don’t wipe well), and shaky/weak legs (caused by the stress and pain of colonic).

Can also be called: explosive diarrhea
Dude, I had a colonic yesterday after I ate taco bell for lunch. My asshole is still on fire!
by ksumarine April 27, 2005
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This is the act of blowing your wad between the eyes of a girl during the "money shot". The two "O's" represent the eyes and the "1" represents the sperm trail between them.
Hey man, last night I gave my girl the old O-1-O!
by ksumarine April 20, 2005
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