15 definitions by jomama217

A Formspring Loner is one who asks themselves an anonymous question on Formspring that they wish to answer, but no one has asked them.
How big is your penis?

Good Question, It is two inches. FROM THE GROUND!!!

^^^ Formspring Loner
by jomama217 December 23, 2010
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The act of poking a ridiculously hot bitch on Facebook, either resulting in her messaging you or poking you back as if she is interested.
Guy 1: Dude, I tried pulling a classy as fuck on this hoe with over 3,000 Facebook friends

Guy 2: How’d that turn out?

Guy 1: She deleted and reported me for sexual harassment.
by jomama217 September 28, 2011
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Southern talk meaning: Shit, I don’t know.
Bob-Jim: Hey Jim-Bob, who clogged da shitta?

Jim-Bob: Shiii’iunno, Bob-Jim!
by jomama217 August 22, 2011
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A sleeveless cotton shirt, similar to a wife-beater. However, it can and more than likely is decorated with stripes or other various patterns. Typically worn by a St. Francis faggot who more than likely has a complete wardrobe of them to show off their division 3 muscles. This fashion accessory is far different from its counterpart; the collared polo, which is typically worn by people with class, such as Loyola’s fine young men.
St. Francis Boy: Duuuuuuuuuuude we beat Loyola this year in foobaaaa!!!! I tink owerr bro tanks helppedd uz!

Other St. Francis Child: I knoww haa? Maybe we can beat them in one other sport in the next 30 years!!!!
by jomama217 August 14, 2011
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When someone that you do not like, either likes or comments on your Facebook status. Them being the loner, has made your status a dead status. No one will comment on it anymore other than that person again.
____________ : Just got head from my smoking hot girlfriend. My life is complete :D

^ 8 people like this

Fag Bag: Wow dude, you have a penis? Couldn’t tell. Lol! XD

(For the most part, the comment they have to say displays them as mentally handicapped. Notice how the person above, Fag Bag, acknowledges that the status that someone posted as a dude, then later says that they have no penis, contradicting the entire existence of the comment; making whoever commenting an annoying fuck.)

Congratulations your status is now dead and your girlfriend won’t go down on your cock anymore. (Fuck this Dead Status!)
by jomama217 January 5, 2011
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Something you will never receive if you are looking “vagina” up on www.urbandictionary.com.
You’re such a fucking loner if you look up vagina on UD.
by jomama217 December 16, 2011
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The act of getting sexually aroused at the mere thought of the victory against Loyola in 2009, (27-23) which will most likely never happen again. Ever since this infamous day, Saint Francis has not gotten over the fact that they performed this blessed victory; yet, it still took them over a quarter of a century to complete this feat.
Saint Francis Guy: We so good! We beat you in foooobaaa! You guys suuuuuck!

Loyola Scholar: Ah, yes you did defeat us. Why do you feel the need to bring up an event that happened years ago? Loyola destroys Saint Francis in basketball, soccer, and cross country. Loyola could also defeat Saint Francis in water polo and lacrosse, that is . . . if your school could actually afford to build facilities for those sports. Not to mention Loyola’s sterling academics which surpass your kindergarten IQ’s.

Saint Francis Guy: 27-23 all day!!!! Dietrich Riley!!!

Loyola Scholar: Dietrich Riley is an absolute and utter disgrace to UCLA football; Anthony Barr, on the other hand, actually gets playing time. Such a typical Saint Francis Boner rage . . .
by jomama217 December 16, 2011
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