1 definition by e_i_pi

Main city in Australia, south of Sydney, that did indeed used to be nice, but is now swarming/over-crowded with wogs, racists, and tools. Featured attractions include:
The Cancer cluster at Port Kembla.
Australia's primary heroin import docks, also in Port Kembla.
The resident heroin junkies at Crown Street Mall.
The resident heroin junkies at Denison Street.
The resident heroin junkies at New Dapto Road.
A large demonic portal that channels all the corruption of the world and distils it in the form of the Local Council.
A smaller demonic portal, also channeling corruption, but funnelling it towards the monopoly that owns every single nightclub in the town, with the exception of one on Crown St, which is soon to be demolished by aforementioned monopoly anyhow (by order of aforementioned corrupt Council).
Cute girl from Sydney: "Where are you from"
Guy from Wollongong: "Wollongong"
Cute girl from Sydney: <runs in the opposite direction>
by e_i_pi March 9, 2008
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