1 definition by chleii

The girl's name Eula \e(u)-la\ is a variant of Eulalia (Greek) and Ula (Scandinavian, Celtic, Hawaiian), and the meaning of Eula is "well-spoken; wealthy; gem of the sea; sacred red".

The hidden meaning of the name "Eula" using numerology is "Optimistic - Easygoing, sociable, spontaneous and humorous"

People who possess this name are usually quite resentful of it at a young age as it can be a topic of being made fun of, but later learn to appreciate its uniqueness. It is quite uncommon to meet someone harboring that name, and meeting someone with that name are usually brought about by random circumstances. Once you meet a Eula, you will notice that as odd as they may be, they are great friends to be around with, as they are usually out-spoken, hyper, and are unafraid to speak about their own opinions. They are also open to talk about their weirdest hobbies, and tend to blurt out random topics (from food to sex) in the most unexpected times. They love anything shiny, bright, colourful or anything that seems interesting and are easily distracted. They are easygoing and don't pay particular attention to small things, are clumsy, lazy when it comes to cleaning or organizing, and usually inattentive unless something really sparks their interest. However, they are also very loyal and are mostly very enthusiastic, making them your ideal candidates for telling your secrets to, calling for last minute plans to go out, and being your best friend.
You're being such a Eula, I love it!
by chleii April 14, 2010
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