9 definitions by braaphead

to puke. its usually used when puking from having too much drink or drugs.
"no more cheers, i think i'm gonna barry it."
by braaphead November 16, 2006
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a shortening of the phrase roflcopter. it used when something is deemed to be humourous.
LOLL LOLL LOLL!!1!!1!!11! D@ n00b gt pwned! ROFLCPTR :D:D:D
by braaphead May 27, 2007
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low quality cannabis resin, cut with other substances.
"i couldn't get any skunk bruv so we have to make do with dis dutty grolid."
by braaphead October 26, 2006
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to be rude or to ignore or to walk away from someone.
oi! he just walked away from me! smack that boy-off!
by braaphead October 23, 2006
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a words that stupid people use to mean one on one sexual intercourse, but it actually means to have a wank.
downy: there's a threesome going on in that tent, and a onesome going on over there.

bretherin: what? u mean someones having a wank?
by braaphead November 3, 2006
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plural of the word ROFLCPTR, describes not one roflcopter but a fleet of them. it can be spelt using anything from 3 to 10 Z's.
n00b: i have aids.

by braaphead June 16, 2007