6 definitions by Zorrocat

Noun: Adjective: Refering to the lustful feelings brought on by the crunching of leaves, the sight or taste of pumpkins, and any other Autumn related circumstance.
I was feeling fallsexual and quivered slightly when I stepped on the colorful leaves and heard them swish and crumble dryly.
by Zorrocat October 24, 2017
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A person who quickly acclimates to new people and environments. Particularly in new relationships he or she may make themselves at home in a partners life almost immediately
That comfort slut brought a pillow a toothbrush and a French press over on our first date
by Zorrocat June 13, 2015
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Noun- An itch scratched by pushing a fart to vibrate the affected area.

typically referring to the anus
IE. I apologize for the smell I had to sound the hero's trumpet
by Zorrocat December 2, 2017
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When a man is seen as a potential boyfriend by a female there is a situation that arises where the female may find his friendship to be insufficient and in order to press the issue of dating and her feelings towards him. The situation typically arises because he does not share the same feelings. A man has now found himself in the boyfriend zone, All.. Or nothing in her eyes. The relationship is pressed into him in an uncomfortable manner until he takes a side, more often than not the side of vacancy


To be designated as boyfriend material
Boyfriend zoned
Rachel is boyfriend zoning me again. I am stuck in the boyfriend zone. Why can't we just be friends?
by Zorrocat May 10, 2015
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This zorrocat "Little king trashmouth" had eggs for days but "El Diablo" was being feisty and ruined them. A lady zorrocat had babies and they were prince and princess trashmouths so I brought them some burgers. El Diablo got hit by a car I think.
by Zorrocat November 13, 2017
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(1) Fitting many activities into an evening.
usually pertaining to drinking, partying, and/or sex acts

(2) In the sense of experience -

"In the 2 years I've worked here, I've worked 17 years here. I got it in"
"Lady at work was so slow today she must have got it in last night "
by Zorrocat May 15, 2017
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