13 definitions by Truth2Power

Colloquial vernacular to express the status of one who is the recipient of a subpoena, which more commonly would be expressed as "You've been served" or "Consider yourself served."

(Standing next to car)

Are you Mrs. Brown?

(Approaching car with keys in hand)

Why, yes, I most certainly am Mrs. Brown. Who the fuck are you, mothafucka?

(Hands blue envelope to Mrs. Brown)

You got served.

(Walks away from car)
by Truth2Power August 1, 2004
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bovine mammal with inordinate volume of fat tissue
Yo 'sup?! This beef is only 80% lean - must have come from one fat cow, mothafucka!
by Truth2Power August 24, 2004
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Tasting of, or proportionately rich in, sodium chloride.
Yo 'sup?! Prepared frozen foods are most disagreeable and undesirable in a mothafucka's diet, as they are rich in sodium - too mothafuckin' salty!
by Truth2Power September 5, 2004
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Correct syntactical form of the urban slang expression "tore up". Describes condition of material or intellectual element that has been modified, generally violently or malavolently, from its original desired or accepted form.
Yo 'sup?! Last night I was torn up from all the partying and carousing we did, mothafucka! I don't want to do that again any time soon.
by Truth2Power September 5, 2004
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Sound resulting from impact of end digit of one's middle finger against one's ring finger when latter is rested upon base of one's thumb, resulting from middle finger being pressed at angle against ball of thumb until pressure overcomes friction of contact between middle finger and thumb, at which time inertial friction yields to pressure and middle finger alights rapidly upon ring finger; NOTE: all actions described occur in single hand. Word.
Yo 'sup can you snap? Didn't think so, fool.
by Truth2Power July 29, 2004
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Past tense of the infinitive "to tear" paired with preposition "up"; combined to form idiom to describe destruction of either material or intangible condition.
Yo 'sup! I tore up a check I wrote when I realized I had written it for an amount inconsistent with the value of my purchase, mothafucka! It tore up my heart to have wasted the resource! Word!
by Truth2Power September 1, 2004
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1. Lend physical presence or voice on behalf of a constituency defined by geography or purpose, when such manifestation of presence or voice by the whole of that constituency would be logistically impractical or impossible.

2. Stand in for a person, organization, or principle in a manner prescribed by law or formal custom where knowledge of protocols is specific and germaine to a particular forum of jurisdiction.
1. a) We represent the Lollipop Guild and wish to welcome you to Munchkinland. b) My name is Howard Dean, and I represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party.

2. Your Honor, I have been retained by my client to represent him in the matter before this court.
by Truth2Power July 29, 2004
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