12 definitions by Truckdriver

The young journalist realized he had been tricked when the critic, now spent, mocked him saying, "there's your pull it sir prize."
by Truckdriver April 26, 2009
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The acronym for "That Just Aint Right." Common text message or blog abbreviation.
I'm as opened minded as the next guy but TJAR what Luther did with that gerbil.
by Truckdriver March 22, 2010
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A golf accessory that has a compartment for balls and a compartment for tees.
I cannot tee off yet as I left my ballsac teebagger in the clubhouse.
by Truckdriver April 15, 2009
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How Republicans, smart enough to know that the Republican Party platform is an embarassment, refer to themselves.
Mom, why do Constitutionalists always vote exactly the same as Republicans?
by Truckdriver March 22, 2010
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Individuals with mothers that are sisters and share the same father. Could also apply to individuals with fathers that are brothers and share the same mother. High prevalence in the Lake District of Scotland.
Alvin and Blaine are often mistaken for twins because of their close resemblance, but they are in fact Scot cousins.
by Truckdriver September 12, 2011
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Common words or expressions of distasteful origin. These are generally listed in two categories, exclamatives and homophones.
Exclamative repugnyms are generally acceptable abbreviations of vulgar expressions. Examples of exclamative repugnyms: 1) “mother” from “mother fucker.” 2) “suck” from “cock sucker.”
Homophonic repugnyms were started as tasteless jokes. Because the terms had utility and the tasteless origins were largely obscure, they became common descriptors. Examples of homophonic repugnyms: 1) cockpit; 2) manhole and manhole cover; 3) mail (male) box; 4) Palm Pilot.
The repugnym was all to familiar to the pilot who laughingly told the passengers that he would be in the cockpit during the flight.
by Truckdriver November 28, 2009
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Having a valid submission to Urban Dictionary rejected.

Although Walt's term was valid and his definition was accurate, he still got dict by the Urban Dictionary.
by Truckdriver April 19, 2009
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