15 definitions by The_ALCH

A joke that combines typical joke genres.

A combination joke can merge any number of joke generes.


Doctor doctor + why did the chicken cross the road.
Intelectual + childish.
Knock knock + yo mama.
A man walks into a bar + how many does it take.
This combination joke incorporates the Knock Knock, Yo Mama, and Intelectual genres.

A: "Knock knock"
B: "Who's there?"
A: "The Origin Of Species"
B "The Origin Of Species Who?"
A: "...Who is also yo mama!"
by The_ALCH September 28, 2023
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Possibly and probably General Levy's greatest contribution to the world, featured in the track "Incredible" (The Jungle Is Massive) by M-Beat, "Booyaka booyaka" and the Jungle craze swept the world and empowered a short generation with some of the most intensely uplifting vibes with the Jungle music revolution.
"Booyaka" was quickly absorbed and accepted by humanity as a word to describe and let out the awesome feeling inside, when one is king of the world.
"Booyaka booyaka
When the general ah pass
Booyaka booyaka
M-Beat run the dance
Booyaka booyaka
We nah tek back nah talk
Booyaka booyaka
......Incredible "

by The_ALCH April 28, 2007
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Acronym of "Stupid Morning Bullshit" the title of a daily live streaming show on adultswim.com, hosted by Sally Skinner.
"I am going to watch SMB, it's on right now."

"Stupid Morning Bullshit;
It's the best show on the internet.

Stupid Morning Bullshit;
It's a place where you can make a new friend.

Stupid Morning Bullshit;
Is on right now."
by The_ALCH December 12, 2019
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A play on the rhyme "Red sky at night", this is an excerpt of the entire rhyme;

"Red eye at night,
Stoners delight.

Red eye in the morning,
Stoners warning."

The rhyme refers to marijuana smoking, which can cause a users eyes to become bloodshot and red, and often being a telltale sign of somebody being stoned.
"Red eye at night,
Stoners delight.

Red eye in the morning,
Stoners warning."
by The_ALCH August 16, 2019
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Shortened form of Orghasm.

When a person orgasms but no ejaculate is emitted.

"Firing blanks".
- "Watch out, Ghasms"

"Oh good I just had my hair done" -
by The_ALCH July 16, 2020
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A conglomerate of Spanish swear words.
This combo is known by people on the Balearic island of Mallorca and has been used on the island since at least the 80's.

Swear includes:

Tu eres un maricojoñetojiliputariano, y tu mamá.
by The_ALCH September 10, 2020
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When you wake up and start deflating after a nice long night of building up gas throughout your digestive system.
"*beepbeep, beepbeep, beepbeep*
*Stretch, yawn, fart, burp*
Looks like I have started my morning deflation"

"Honey can you take your morning deflation to the bathroom?"

"If I don't start my morning deflation soon I might explode"
by The_ALCH June 16, 2019
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