17 definitions by TheLingeringSaint

Bootleg Gundam plastic kits, labeled as "fighters" in boxes because bootleggers think it doesn't violate copyright and intellectual property.
"I'm getting the MG Wing Zero Custom Gumpra today because I don't have money for original Gunpla..."
by TheLingeringSaint November 6, 2021
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The Filipino version of Forest Diego, defender of anything IBO.

Also, someone who is too lazy to sand and prime.
You didn't sand your work just like Aloysius Santimonius
by TheLingeringSaint November 6, 2021
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Slang for Pubic Hair Beard, sported by Turd Kupalmooks, thinking it looks cool on him, but actually makes him looks like the Beast Titan in Attack on Titans.
Wow, that Bulbas really makes you look like the douche bag you are...
by TheLingeringSaint March 21, 2022
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Also known as #ErickReyesEffect, a contagious condition in which one begs for Gunpla, often as a gift on one's birthday. Also, a stage when one would go to adverse lengths, like getting a loan, to purchase Gunpla.

Synonymous to Gunpla addiction.
Why are you getting a loan just to get another Gunpla when you don't even have money to pay for the loan?

Are you suffering from the #RikusuEffect again?
by TheLingeringSaint November 29, 2021
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A condition when one tries to outshine others by declaring how rich he is by posting everything he has to show his riches, including a gold bracelet, a measly Gunpla collection, cash over a cheap bedsheet, an air con unit and a bidet. Put dibs on an expensive Neo-Zeong kit but fails to commit after. Almost synonymous to joydibber, someone who dibs on everything but never follows through.
Wow, you have a new gold bidet and you show a lot of cash, but you failed to follow through on that kit you put dibs on. You must be suffering from the #FrankfurtBidetEffect.
by TheLingeringSaint December 18, 2021
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Stands for Iron-Blooded Orphans, a Gundam anime series, featuring the Gundam Barbatos and its various <form> iterations, from Form 1 to Form 6, the Lupus and Lupus Rex. Piloted by Mikazuki Augus, a hard-assed, cold blooded-killer with a heart of gold and a softness for children and women, Mika has developed a cery literal connection to Barbatos, often talking to it like one would a best friend. The only one person Mika has ever trully and fully respected and will follow is Orga Itsuka, the leader of the Tekkadan, aka, the Iron-Blooded Orphans.

The Favorite series of Forest Diego and Aloysius Santimonius.
What Gundam Series are you watching right now?

Oh, this great new series titled IBO, or Iron-Blooded Orphans, with thei great new Gundam called the Barbatos.
by TheLingeringSaint November 19, 2021
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A power-tripping moderator or admin of a non-descript Gunpla Facebook who kicks everyone who does not fit his ideal of a good member, even if the member did not violate any rules he himself violates for reacting violently to people who questions his rule. Because he has no life outside of being a superpowered Facebook admin, he takes his sweet, worthless time digging among posts and comments to get rid of the posts and comments of people he doesn't like. Also supports Gumpra, or bootleg Gunpla, because he believes one should respect one's decision to support a criminal act, just to have a hobby and daily sniff of plastic dust.
"Luke Hamm just got booted for posting a non-Gundam because the group admin is an Adminicus Policarpius. He also booted a member for supporting real Gunpla, and another one for also being a member of another group he doesn't like..."
by TheLingeringSaint January 5, 2022
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