9 definitions by Terri

A person who will do anything to please another or will copy them.

Can also be used as a verb : licking bum.
You: "I like dat TV show, it's well safe."
Friend: "Yeah innit, well safe."
You "Ah, you're just a lick bum."
by Terri March 6, 2005
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Stuff that makes even the most constipated individual have an ass explosion.
I took some Metamucil an hour ago and ended up with the worst intestinal contractions known to man.
by Terri March 2, 2004
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Theres more to a juggalette then just being a female insane clown posse fan. A juggalette does'nt care what you think about her. She dont depend on a man but loves havin them. A juggalette is down with the clown for life. She listens to icp and other phycopathic artist.
A juggalette is all ways down wit the clown.
by Terri January 25, 2004
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One that gets horny from fruit.
You should see Jen when she is around bananas.
by Terri March 2, 2004
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When a dude slaps his dick in a chics face and leaves a mushroom imprint.
by Terri March 2, 2004
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usually found in farms in south vietnam, and runs his own version of ebay, most commonly involving young vietnemiese farm hands that he will sell for some "hot loving"
"whos that old cong down the road?"
"oh, thats uncle charlie"
by Terri April 22, 2004
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