4 definitions by TeamGnomie

Abbreviation for "Get Your Drift"
person1: I was sad when my favourite show came to an end. Its like part of me died. GMD?

person 2: GYD
by TeamGnomie August 15, 2016
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Someone who dislikes people from Wisconsin (cheeseheads)
She really hates Aaron Rogers. She is such a wisogynist.
by TeamGnomie August 5, 2016
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She's always wanting me to take care of the drinks and meals but doesn't do anything in return. You have to give to receive. GMD?
by TeamGnomie August 12, 2016
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She insists on writing only with the emojibet. All the letters in her texts are in emoji. Took me awhile to learn the Yen emoji was her "Y".
by TeamGnomie October 11, 2016
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