10 definitions by Sparty911

Classy slang term for pussy, vagina- helpful when discussing Ina big group. Helpsbhide the real world. Pronounced "puss wah". Francophile styled word
Did you know Julie shaved her Pusswoi for Valentine's day? She is so classy!
by Sparty911 February 14, 2020
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Penis. Raw dogging. Phallus. The organ used to start the baby making process. Member. Cock.
I think Julie wore out my Mommy maker on our honeymoon- baby is on the way!
by Sparty911 August 12, 2022
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Very stretched out vagina from having at least 8 kids naturally.
1. Jesus Christ, the receiver should have caught that pass, he was as wide open as an Amish vagina.

Dude, she may be hot, but she's banged so many dudes she has an Amish vagina, you'd never know when you were inside!
by Sparty911 October 27, 2019
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Sorority hazing technique, when rushees have to soak a tampon in Tabasco.
Karen was jumping across the street like a Mexican jumping bean when she had her sparkplug in, but now she's a sister!
by Sparty911 November 2, 2019
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When a guy finally admits to being gay, e.g. after getting divorced and logging on to Grinder
Yep, Brian finally drank the cock-aid and went on Grindr. He's been making up for lost time giving HJ's and blowies like they are going out of style.
by Sparty911 August 20, 2017
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Did you see all the broke-ass kids scooping up the full size candy bars in Palm View? Man, the Candymandering is out of control!
by Sparty911 October 22, 2017
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