10 definitions by SithlordDarthRPG

Anything terribly bad.
That movie was all cooked!
by SithlordDarthRPG August 28, 2003
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An abrieviation for the noun, Christian. X is a symbol for Christ.
He accepted Jesus into his life and is now a Xian.
by SithlordDarthRPG August 28, 2003
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Ron Luce is a long-winded youth evangelist for an organization named Aquire the Fire. Usage of the term is a sarcastic way of describing a long-winded person.
That person would not shut up. He was pulling some Ron Luce on me.
by SithlordDarthRPG August 28, 2003
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Slang for kissing or a romantic relationship.
1. We chuped on our date last night.
2. She likes me and wants to chupe.
by SithlordDarthRPG August 28, 2003
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To sleep. To go to bed. To be extremely bored.
1. I'm tired and I'm ready to go fire 'em up!

2. I was firing 'em up in class because the teacher was so boring!
by SithlordDarthRPG December 6, 2003
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I felt like I was going to fire 'em up in class today.
by SithlordDarthRPG August 28, 2003
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