3 definitions by Sasquatch129800

The act of cramming a million extra Christmas trees into your home for festive decoration purposes.
My wife saw a BOGO sale at Michaels and

is now Velezing the shit out of our house. Now it's festive as fuck!
by Sasquatch129800 December 22, 2021
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a mutation of the carpenters term "two by four". Used by people in or around the state of ohio.
"Hey yall, go and git me that there tuba four, I got to build this here bumper before the pull starts"
by Sasquatch129800 May 22, 2006
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An extra, auxillary or alternate Christmas tree other than the main Christmas tree used as a festive decoration during the Christmas season. Found in homes in groups of 2 to 600.
If we get any more Christy Trees we're going to need a bigger house!
by Sasquatch129800 December 22, 2021
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