14 definitions by Rita

(n.) an individual constantly attracted to multiple individuals at the same time. The word crush describes the individual's temporary attraction, while the word slut emphasizes the inconsistancy and indecency of the individual's attraction; not necessarily sexual in nature.
Holly has liked 4 different people in the past 2 weeks, and currently has a crush on 3 people. She is such a crush slut.
by Rita August 10, 2004
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n. a small "little fucker".
v. to eat ice chips
adj. small enough to fit in large bcbg bag
Boy: i made out with your friend last night.
Girl: which one?
Boy: I don't know, the one you call little fucker.
by Rita April 25, 2005
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1.someone who has never had sex before or not much experience. tite pussies give more pleasure
2.when sumone is being stubborn
1.that bitches ass is tite!
2.man why u bein so tite for, come on i'll give it back just let me use it...
by Rita June 14, 2004
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An awesome man, who as well can wear pink and look awesomely great in it, and who is one of the greatest bass players in the world today.
First Person:"Dude, you so play like Hunter Burgan!"
Other person: "Oh wow, I'm so flattered!"
by Rita July 1, 2003
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a nasty prep school, sucks at most everything, cant do crap on their new ftball field.
one thing 41-28 ftball..gibbons victory
by Rita February 25, 2005
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The ultimate in perfection. A beautiful, intelligent, sexy and successful person that you can't help but want to be with all the time.
Shit, I want Rita so bad but she seems to be to good for me.
by Rita January 16, 2005
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an extremely large (Magnum XL Black or Gold or larger) male genitalia.
Girl, Matt had such a TRAVESTY!
by Rita March 27, 2005
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