3 definitions by PsyWolf

Dwade's topics on Lue2.org
HA HA HA the admins bought a n-gage

From: dwade | Posted: 4/28/2005 8:26:13 AM | Mark Message | # 001
they really are n00bs
by PsyWolf April 28, 2005
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To life in Hebrew. A commn toast.
He raised he glass and a resounding chourus of L'chai-ims followed his, and the feast was begun. Then the germans came in and killed them all.
by PsyWolf January 4, 2005
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No one really knows what an egab is. It was coined in the question "what is an egab" posed by the brains at microsoft in the registry of windows XP. Other comments made in the regestry nearby are "Geeks Kick ASCII" and "Nerds Are Cool"
Does anyone know what an egab is?
by PsyWolf February 10, 2005
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