4 definitions by OlFashioned

(noun) A term used to describe the outrageous amounts of money that Mitt Romney makes on a daily basis. The term was coined by Jon Jafari on the popular YouTube channel, "Game Grumps".
Dude, you can afford that! You make, like, rombillions!
by OlFashioned December 11, 2013
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(Noun) A term used to describe a hand in poker that contains 3 sevens, or three of a kind sevens. This is derived from the idea that 3 sevens is considered the jack pot on a slot machine.
Since that 7 came out on the flop, I've got a jackpot hand!
by OlFashioned November 14, 2013
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(Verb) A phrase that was popular during the 20th century that means to be tired of or burn out on.
We went to the movies every weekend; we were completely foundered on it.

She was foundered on her 4 hour commute from her house to work each day.
by OlFashioned November 14, 2013
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(Noun) A term used to describe the first two cards that are dealt to an individual player, by the dealer, in Texas Hold'em.
My pocket hand was an eight and a two; I'm probably going to fold if anyone raise.
by OlFashioned November 14, 2013
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