34 definitions by Nco

1a: A small case usually for carrying papers.
1b: A soft-leather or flexible envelope.

2: A legal proceeding involving an attache, attaché
The razzy pornographer put his pictures in a new attache case and walked across the street to catch a hack bus but what hit by a dragster first.
by Nco November 24, 2003
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Hunger Artist


A person that starves themselves in a café for the amusement of a crowd.

Etymology: Franz Kafka’s The Hunger Artist
The Hunger Artist died in his cafe and was replaced by a panther.
by Nco November 16, 2003
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Outrun (1) verb.
1: to win a race.
2: To stay a course longer than others.
3: comparative: “A jet can outrun a car.”

Outrun (2) proper noun.
1: see definition above. An arcade game.
-Jessie was terrible at Outrun because he had short feet and couldn’t reach the pedals.

Outrun (3) verb clause
1: A code word for children planning to sneak out of their homes to meet.
-“Wanna play outrun?” asked Jessie into the phone.
2: Stealing cars. Sneaking out to steal cars.
Etymology: US, 1980s, from the videogame “Outrun”.
-Jessie was not very good at outrun because he forgot to check the gas tanks, his hands got split by the slimjim, and he never wore his glasses.
My wife got a ticket from a cop in a bright station wagon. Her hope was that the officer would give up but she could not outrun the flashing lights or the radio response.
by Nco November 25, 2003
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Also spelled: HUMAS

Head Up My Ass Syndrome.

- A condition in which the subject is not able to think of others.

c.r. P.Nco, 1986
After suffering from HUMAS for many years, Debbie died alone cuddling a teddy bear that never talked.
by Nco November 16, 2003
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Adj. Messy. Disjointed. Something alone and ugly.
The woman’s long hair became razzy after sleeping.
by Nco November 16, 2003
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1: A large vehicle for public tranportation-- capable of sitting 50-150 persons.

<i> Get on the short bus</i>
short bus1: US, 1980s-- a bus fitted with handicapped ramps, elvators, and special seats.
short bus 2: A place for retarded persons, those mentally challenged. A ride for social rejects. "Get on the short bus, you idiot."

1: The clear a table. To bus a table.
busserbusboy: The server's assistant is a busser.
The busboy liked to play with the spent bones of the rich people. He could cuddle the rib bones, fondle the chicken cages and pretend that he knew his customers by the attention they gave to their food.
by Nco November 24, 2003
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-Making something happen physically because you subconsciously want it to happen.
-fulfilling a prophesy. Fulfilling a horoscope.
Mary liked to tell men she was blessed based on their perceived expectation.
by Nco November 16, 2003
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