3 definitions by Name your fame!

An Asian guy with massive cheeks, is very kind but is usually late to things. He’ll say he’ll show up in 15 minutes and will show up in 1 hour. He is humorous like a comedian and loves rap music . On social media he follows very little people. He loves sports, such as basketball and only post pictures of himself on social media. He also has a very low patience level. Babul makes a good teacher.
Yo look at that dudes Instagram , he is TOTALLY a babul!
by Name your fame! April 20, 2018
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An Asian dude who thinks he is on time but is late and he loves sports like basketball . On social media he post pictures of himself mostly and follows very little people. He loves rap music. He loves his family and friends but he has a low patience level but would still make a good teacher or an assistant. He has a good humor and loves to use sarcasm like a comedian. He walks around in the same flip flops every day and is very strict about shoes in the house. He wears patterned button up shirts, simple color scene sweaters and loves video games.
Look at this guy on the Instagram he is such a babul
Sorry I’m late I pulled a Babul
Dude what’re you... Babul?
by Name your fame! April 20, 2018
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A word used by Canadians a ton to symbolize that they are alpologizing or saying Sorry bout that
SURRY bout thet!
by Name your fame! April 28, 2018
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