3 definitions by Mrdddddddddddddddddd

(v.) To trip suddenly, especially in an elevator.
She deanaed in the elevator movie.
by Mrdddddddddddddddddd January 6, 2006
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(v) The act of shoving everything in a closet and calling it decent.
"I'm cleaning my closet."
"Where are you shoving all your stuff then?"
"My room."
by Mrdddddddddddddddddd December 19, 2005
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The day after thanksgiving when there's a ton of Christmas sales.

Really, this is a stupid time to have "black friday" because you're so upset at your family for making your thanksgiving hell that you get them crap for Christmas and later feel guilty and regret it and have to go out and buy them something else the week before Christmas, when the stores are crowded with other people doing the exact same thing.
"Aw, shoot, I got my aunt this ugly hair net for Christmas on Black Friday because she let her dog steal my turkey, but yesterday she sent me an early Christmas present so I feel bad. Back to the mall again... *sigh*"
by Mrdddddddddddddddddd November 25, 2005
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