5 definitions by Moz

1. An advertisement for suburban street wear
2. A complete fuck tard
3. Short for nothing
Fuck, this fucking arn fucker is a complete fucking fuck tard
by Moz July 30, 2004
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1. Feeling horny. Wanting to take your partner, or a random there and then and shag them senseless.

2. Horny, turned on and in need of an immediate shag
I'm so toey....get it in me NOW!
by Moz December 6, 2004
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Website with Midgets, Retards, Garden gnomes, Randy Williams.

Acronym for 'Midgets and Retards Inc'
John- Did you see the new randy williams pic on Marinc?

Johns friend- Where hes getting fucked in the ass by an elephant?
by Moz December 18, 2004
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a group, preferably of bitches, more than 5.
NBA Star Dikembe Mutombo always travels with a gaggle of bitches.
by Moz April 21, 2005
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Dirty scruffy dole dossing bastard who originates from housing estates, frequents Nettos (Cheap Supermarket and drinks cheap lager / cider like its going out of fashion. Not unknown to leave kids home alone.
N E T T O thats where all the scratters go
by Moz November 7, 2003
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