31 definitions by Monique

Holy shive, that boy in E Lunch is hott.
by Monique September 20, 2003
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ho and bitch combined into one neat word
Lots of my friends are hozatches. ;)
by Monique November 20, 2002
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A totally amazing band who have now got me into The Who, The Kinks and The Clash.
American Idiot is a fucking good album, that has got them more recognition; therefore its an achievement. And all their albums rock ass! Ooh, and just cos your a teenager, doesnt mean your a teenybopper.
Me: "Green Day rock, I must get more albums..."
My cool friends: "Ooh I know! The new one totally rules!"
Me: "AND, Billie is gorge..."
by Monique April 1, 2005
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One of the sexiest (actually, THE sexiest) guys to walk the planet. Frontman of the Californian band Green Day, which happen to be the best band ever. Also has a sexy voice.

(Ooh, and American Idiot and Dookie are 2 of the best albums ever!)
Billie: Hi, I'm Billie Joe.
Me: *Orgasmic, wild screams*
by Monique April 1, 2005
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a AWSOME , kick ass band. The record label is saddle creek and they rock my socks.
if your smart, youd go get cursive's album right now!
by Monique February 10, 2004
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The worst band to ever destroy songs... see Bohemian Rhapsody.

Code for Gay 4.
"OI, bruv, gotta get the new G4 innit? Its safe. The covers they do are fuckin crap! I need a laugh, innit?"
by Monique March 30, 2005
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