3 definitions by Mandate2017

A Typical Andy, is someone who is just not having any luck. Someone who goes about their day to day minding their own business and through no fault of their own things just don't go their way. Someone can have a Typical Andy incident or if they are really unlucky they can be having a Typical Andy day.
Someone walks past and spills a tray of drinks all over you. You may be falsely accused of something that leads to confrontation or perhaps a wardrobe malfunction on the way to an important event. You have just had a Typical Andy moment.

*****"So I was about to have a shave and the shaving cream exploded all over me!"*****

*****"Are you have had a Typical Andy moment there."*****
by Mandate2017 February 22, 2020
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A Standard Andy (unlike the Typical Andy), is when something happens that's usually embarrassing and is completely that persons fault, normally because that person is clumsy, not thinking things through or just doing something stupid. Someone can have a Standard Andy moment or (like the Typical Andy) they can be having a Standard Andy day.
A Standard Andy incident could be a number of things, they could think something is funny and get in trouble as a result. Such as trying to jump the fence to take a short cut because they didn't want to walk around and spitting their trousers in the process or even public nudity resulting in the police being called.

*****"I was on a night out and went for a piss down an alleyway, but I ended up pissing all down myself and my bag."*****

*****"You dick head, what a Standard Andy."*****
by Mandate2017 February 23, 2020
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The phrase a ‘Gill’ is referred to someone who may agree to a bet, wager, competition etc. where the loser has to participate in a forfeit, but then upon losing, they refuse to comply for no reason, backing out of the original agreement. If a person does this on a regular occasion or has even done this more than once, the may be called a ‘Gilla’ or a ‘Gilly’. Don’t ever make a bet with a ‘Gill’.

A ‘Gill’ may well make a prior agreement, shake hands and agree the stakes, participate in the event/competition, but because they can’t take loosing and/or are not someone of their word they just refuse to undertake the agreed forfeit without any logical explanation.

For example:

Ryan and a group of friends are playing crazy golf, to make the game more interesting they agree that the looser of the game will have to do a forfeit. They shake hands, agree and play the game. Ryan then loses but for some reason, refuses to do the forfeit. Just repeating no, no, no I’m not doing it and walking away, after throwing a sulk because he lost.

“Ryan you lost crazy golf fair and square, don’t tell me you’re going to be a Gill and not do the forfeit, what’s wrong with you?”

Ryan in this incident is a massive Gill, a compete wet blanket and basically a wanker. He may also come up with a number of ridiculous excuses as to why he can’t or shouldn’t complete the agreed forfeit. Never make a bet with Ryan, he will just spoil the fun for everyone. What a complete and utter Gill.
You lost the best fair and square, why are you being a complete Gill?

A bet is a bet, if you lose you pay or do the forfeit. Don't be such a Gill.
by Mandate2017 March 14, 2017
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