7 definitions by MDMI

1. The evil hotel from The Shining

2. Can refer to any place that is haunted, evil, or just flat out sucks in someway.
1. Danny: Why don't you want to go to The Overlook?
Tony: I just don't!

2. guy: let's go to the bar this weekend?
girl: hell no, that place is the overlook. i heard some guy got axe murdered there.
guy: oh fuck that then.

AG=The Overlook
by MDMI March 6, 2009
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being stoned, blitzed, baked, irie, high...
by MDMI September 18, 2008
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1. Best band ever. You don't say it, you fuckin scream it. The heavist, and fastest band ever. With the most EVIL lyrics, who else has the BALLS to start a song with the word Auschwitz?

2. What you yell when you hear "music" that sucks (50 cent, Snakes n Barrels, Motley Crue, Poison, Jonas Brothers, Soulja Boy, etc.)
1. Slayer fan: "When you're walking and you see someone wearing a slayer shirt, you look at them and they look at you and you just know."
"On my wall your head" piece by piece

2. Slayer fan at Death Cab for Cutie show because gf dragged him there: SLAYER! SLAYER! SLAYER!
by MDMI March 2, 2009
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A condition that occurs when a smoker leaves a cigarette behind his/her ear for an extended period of time. Upon removing the cigarette, the smoker is left with the feeling that the cigarette is still there. Often the smoker will finish their cigarette and reach for the one behind their ear, only to realize that they just smoked it.
Smoker#1 *removes cig from behind ear, smokes it, and reaches for the one behind hid ear* Dammit! I thought i had another cig

Smoker#2 Dude, you're suffering from phantom cigarette syndrome
by MDMI June 10, 2009
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University of Constantly Smoking Chronic. Everyone here blazes, if they say otherwise, they're lying.
Porter Field @ UCSC on 4-20
by MDMI September 18, 2008
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Common misconception is that it stands for University of California Santa Cruz, however, it really is the United California Stoners Commune. 99% of the student body will fail a drug test at any given time. The campus reeks of weed. Everyone openly talks about smoking pot. Acid and mushrooms are also "acceptable" things to have loud conversations about in public.
The following took place at Harvey Beach in UCSC:
Crown tripper 1: "dude what did u get?"
Crown tripper 2: "i'd never heard of these drops, i've always got tabs but the guy was out"
crown tripper 1:"weak, did u get anything?"
crown tripper 2:*holds up ziploc bag* "these are gum drops laced with acid"

See also April 20th at porter field.
by MDMI March 1, 2009
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An Italian (aka. I-talian or WOP) with dreadlocks.
American tourist in Rome: Check out the dreads on that wopafarian!
by MDMI June 23, 2010
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