3 definitions by Leilani_h

A Southern United States phrase; it usually shows disgust or suprise with a situation or person.

Because the phrase tends to be used by itself, many people in the North US who hear it think that the speaker has not finished their sentence.
A, Southerner: "That Joel; I tell you what."
*a few seconds pass*
B, Northerner: "... What?"
A, Southerner: "I just TOLD you!"
by Leilani_h June 4, 2005
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A relative of the mall rat, this person walks around a store aimlessly, looking at crap, and boring you to death. They seek out random shit like they are rooting around for sustenance.
"Would you quit wandering around like a fucking store nomad? Let's LEAVE already."
by Leilani_h June 4, 2005
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1. Someone who rats another out, usually regarding illegal activity.

2. A person who sleeps alot. Thus they are jokingly called "narc", short for narcoleptic: a person with the disease of narcolepsy, who as a result does not have proper control over sleeping/wakefulness.
A: "Yo, B!"
B: "zzzzzzZZZZZzzzz"
A: "...B's a fucking narc."
C: "true."
by Leilani_h June 4, 2005
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