13 definitions by Jeebus

n. Often used to qualify the severity of a beat down.
"Hit me again Ike and this time, put some stank on it!"
by Jeebus July 18, 2003
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White gujurati guy.
He looks like Nimesh with color change!
Mom, thats bizco.
by Jeebus December 14, 2003
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slang for the already slang word "tight". Often placed with the phrase "fo shizzie".
damn yo.. that's tizzie fo shizzie ma grizzie nizzie
by Jeebus March 3, 2003
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Pigfucking pillowbiter.
A tubesteak eater
A real Douchebag.
That cop gave me a ticket! What a Zaletal!
by Jeebus October 30, 2003
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you be perpin' dawg, that bitch be fuckin' everyone.... hell, she fucked yo' daddy..... not cho' baby's daddy, but cho' daddy... mutha fuckah
by Jeebus July 26, 2003
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Another word for schedule. The word originated in the Vietnam War when General Sputnik tried to get his personal assistant to check his schedule, but had a dry throat due to lack of hydration. This originally brought about confusion between the two, but ultimately resulted in steaming hot sex.
I'll check my sheeeeedjule.
by Jeebus February 11, 2008
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