11 definitions by GavinT

Verb: To eat the food of people around you, usually at a restaurant.
1: I'm getting the cake for dessert,
2: Great choice! I'm totally long forking some of that!
by GavinT May 5, 2008
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I have to cut a crunch before we leave, don't worry, it should be less than 5 minutes.
by GavinT March 18, 2008
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Self Containted Anti-Fart Breathing Apparatus. When you pull your shirt up when someone farts.
1) Dude - total SCAFBA - I just farted my Taco Bell.
by GavinT March 27, 2008
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To have to poop really bad. Turtle head or almost turtleing.
1) I have to go to the bathroom so bad! Man, this thing is half born!
2) Damn man, I didn't need to know that, go to the can!
by GavinT March 19, 2008
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When food passes through you very quickly; in and out.
1) Dude, lets get this taco bell to go...
2) Why? lets just eat it here...
1) No way man, taco bell is a total bank job.
by GavinT March 22, 2008
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Homerun, touchdown, goal, strike, bingo.

1) We are down 5-4, we need a couple of boomers to win this one!
by GavinT March 19, 2008
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Sleep Over Party. To sleep at someone's house
1) Wow, there is a lot of booze here, I'm never going to get home.
2) Don't worry, you can just have an SOP.
by GavinT March 18, 2008
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