8 definitions by GENO

When a "hobo" is murdered. Hezzy is retarded.
He killed a hobo! Call the hobocide detectives!
by GENO March 24, 2003
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One of the most overrated R&B singers up to date. He old music was so much better, and he was more liked for his music then his looks. Now, in 2004, he's taken over it pretty much with all the overration of ladies (Which are the majority of his fanbase) Overally, he's pretty much a R&B overrated Artist now. Thanks to women who can't control there hormones and buy his CDs cause he's sexy, etc.
Usher is so overrated, I mean look at the songs, Yeah, Burn, and confessions. Why is he so liked by women?
by GENO January 2, 2005
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A current mode of speaking that may confuse others who are not familiar with the current events and trends in society.
"We lurked out in the streets for a few hours but then she told me to come over so I came through cause it's really nothing."
"I have no idea what you said I am having a hard time grasping your contemporary vernacular."
by GENO May 8, 2013
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See: Jerking off, walking the dog, flogging the dolphin, whackin' it, spankin' the monkey, wanking off, beatin' the meat, beat the pud, get your chili whacked, hand job, masturbate, lubing the shaft, choke the chicken, bash the bishop, slap the salami, stroke the trouser snake, doin' it with Palmala Handerson, Rosie Palms, grow some hair on your hands, lather the lolly, etc.
He went to practice his erectile calestetics.
by GENO March 24, 2003
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1, another term for the grendle, or taint..the area of a man's body between the testes and the anus. 2, anus+nuts. 3, not quite the anus, not quite the nuts. so anuts.
god, that girl i was with last night totally kicked me in the anuts
by GENO September 1, 2005
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That was the greatest thing I've ever seen! Hoah!
by GENO December 29, 2005
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